Part II 语法练习 (用动词的适当的形式填空)1 The news she has got ____has made_____ (make )her very sad. 2. What ___will happen________(happen) if he drinks .
for 表示原因及时间长短,如for this rason因为这个原因,for twenty years 20年了since 表示自从,如since last year从去年开始
答案是: 这个句子是正确的,没有错误,现在完成时是指从过去某个时间开始一直延续到现在,可以和 for+时间段连用,本句的意思是: 我们度过暑假已经三个多月了we have had a summer vacation for more than three months,意思:从暑假的开始到现在为止三个多月.类似的还有:We have stayed at the small village for half a year.我们已经在这个小村子呆了半年.
英语语法题求解 谢谢
第一题你是对的.intend anticipate expect mean中只有anticipate后是动词-ing结构;其他三个都是to do结构表示打算或者期盼.第二题中but很关键,因为小孩应该喜欢甜食,用but表示转折,后面半句应该表否定.用both的话前后没有转折关系.至于neither后的动词形式,现代英语特别是口语单复数都可见.请参看:http://wenku.baidu/link?url=MTk7YQNO8uyV9sSgY-XWk-rIG3kyslr8-MnPx0Ucf48b33Q-Yq-TytHJGV0aVLNEh0Nlikt7KOE3VWoamCbIYrjvAjVOkkgX8dUkFgNgDa3
This is the reason ( that ) he explained.This is the reason ( why ) he failed in the exam.This is the reason ( which ) can explain why he was late.
在复合词中,总有一个词的意思占主导地位,那么这个词就是中心词.例如:sister-in-law这个复合词的中心词是sister,in law起辅助作用,说明什么sister.不过它的复数形式有两种:sisters-in-law(br,english) sister-in-laws(am,english),但他们的所有格只有一种sister-in-law's. 第二个问题其实也和中心词有关,this kind of.中心词是kind;而men of this kind中心词是men所以谓语动词就有不同了.
英语语法问题 谢谢啊
1. brings 主语是第三人称单数,因此位于也要用三单形式. 2. they sometimes take a bus and sometimes walk there. 3. the children spend about two hours playing games there.
关于英语语法问题,谢谢好心人了! 1,He is not arguing ,as many do,t
He is not arguing ,as many do,that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.要搞懂很简单因为do 其实代替的就是argue所以就是He is not arguing ,as .
掌握连系动词be,feel,look,get,turn等与表语连用的一般用法.掌握延续性动词与瞬间动词在用法上的区别 这类动词主要体现在过去时和完成时态中在现在完成时中延续性动词可与表示一段时间的介词短语for或since连用 而终止性动词的现在完成时则不能与一段时间连用 如I have bought this dictionary for three years这本字典我已买三年了(误)我输入的自负重复太多,我Q上发给你把? 行不?
英语 语法问题,有深度,请求帮助,谢谢
1 Is the flowers watered by him?2 The house will be pull down by them.3 It is bound to be found out by them.4 The names must be written out clearly.5 The second item on the .