the magic of kefir雅思真题有没有会的救命?
半命题作文……the magical of ()
My ideal - Magic
I want to be a magician not lie, sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician because I want to use my magic to change this planet.
Sometimes, I want to be a magician because I want to use my magic to make the sky bluer, the water clearer. Why? Why are people so treat nature. Is there no one to anize it? No, it is not so The People are not so cruel, I had to try to stop the door too, but to no avail, if I really was a magician, I will use my magic to change these to make painful changes and now these things, I will with the magic of these garbage thoroughly eliminated, it will not pollute the air as early as soil. Let 'pollution' word will disappear forever in the dictionary.
Sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician, because I want my magic to make every corner of the globe have become green. There are lots of people in order to cut off money to the trees. Perhaps they only take into immediate benefits, but they do not really know the consequences of it? or knowingly? these lost forever make it back. If I really am a magician, I will use my magic to make these with my spells to impress these people, and we hope that they can work together to create a beautiful home.
Sometimes, I also wanted to be a magician, I want my air of magic to change my home, campus, put me into a campus surrounded by trees one looked out. The sky is so blue, blue sky By shining, the grass is so green. tree is so tall. If I were a magician, I used my magic, the sun painted on a smile.
This is nothing but a fearless imagination, I just want to tell you, everyone of us is magical magician, with our hands to change our beautiful homeland! Let our homes more beautiful, beautiful!
1.挪威是1号房 牛奶是3号房
3.咖啡-绿是4号 白是5号房
5. 此时可以判定Dunhill-黄是1号,马是2号
6.假设丹-茶是5号房,则德-Prince是2号 blueMaster-啤酒就没有地方了,所以可以判定丹-茶是2号
10. Blends是2号
11. 猫是1号
12. 矿泉水是1号
13. 瑞典-狗是5号
14. 最后那个德国人抽Prince喝咖啡 住绿房子 养鱼
挪威人,屋子是黄色的,喝水,抽 Dunhill,养的是猫。
丹麦人,屋子是蓝色的,喝茶,抽 Blends,养的是马。
英国人,屋子是红色的,喝牛奶,抽 Pall Mall,养的是鸟。
德国人,屋子是绿色的,喝咖啡,抽 Prince,养的是鱼。
瑞典人,屋子是白色的,喝啤酒,抽 Blue Master,养的是狗。
挪威人住第1间房,在最左边。∵英国人住红色房子,挪威人住蓝色房子隔壁,∴挪威人房子的颜色只能是绿、黄、白,又∵绿色房子在白色房子左面,挪威人住蓝色房子隔壁,∴挪威人只能住黄色房子,抽Dunhill香烟,∴第2间房是蓝色房子,又∵养马的人住在抽Dunhill香烟的人隔壁,所以第2间房子的主人养马。∵绿色房子在白色房子左面,∴绿色房子只能在第3或者第4间。如果绿色房子在第3间(即中间那间),∵住在中间房子的人喝牛奶,∴绿色房子的主人喝牛奶,这与条件中绿色房子主人喝咖啡相矛盾。∴假设错误,绿色房子在第4间,其主人喝咖啡。进一步推出第3间房子是红色房子,住英国人,喝牛奶。第5间房子是白色房子。∵丹麦人喝茶,绿色房子主人喝咖啡,英国人喝牛奶,抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒,∴挪威人只能喝水。∵抽Blends香烟的人有一个喝水的邻居,∴抽Blends香烟的人只能住第2间房子。
现在我们来整理一下,第1间房子是黄色房子,住挪威人,抽Dunhill香烟,喝水。第2间房子是蓝色房子,主人养马,抽Blends香烟。第3间房子是红色房子,住英国人,喝牛奶。绿色房子在第4间,其主人喝咖啡。第5间房子是白色房子。∵抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒,∴既抽Blue Master,又喝啤酒的人只能住在第5间房子。∵德国人抽Prince香烟,∴德国人只能住第4间房子。∵抽Pall Mall香烟的人养鸟,∴只有英国人抽Pall Mall香烟,养鸟。∵抽Blends香烟的人住在养猫的人隔壁,又∵抽Blends香烟的人的隔壁只可能是挪威人或者英国人,∴养猫的人是挪威人或者英国人,又∵英国人养鸟,∴养猫的人是挪威人。
现在我们再来整理一下,第1间房子是黄色房子,住挪威人,抽Dunhill香烟,喝水,养猫。第2间房子是蓝色房子,主人养马,抽Blends香烟。第3间房子是红色房子,住英国人,喝牛奶,Pall Mall香烟,养鸟。第4间房子是绿色房子,住德国人,抽Prince香烟,喝咖啡。第5间房子是白色房子,主人抽Blue Master,喝啤酒。∵瑞典人养狗,又∵第1,2,3间房子的主人都不养狗,第4间房子的主人是德国人,∴第5间房子住瑞典人,养狗。∵第1,3,4,5间房子的主人分别是挪威人,英国人,德国人,瑞典人,∴第2间房子的主人是丹麦人,喝茶。
最后将战果整理一下,第1间房子是黄色房子,住挪威人,抽Dunhill香烟,喝水,养猫;第2间房子是蓝色房子,住丹麦人,抽Blends香烟,喝茶,养马;第3间房子是红色房子,住英国人,抽Pall Mall香烟,喝牛奶,养鸟;第4间房子是绿色房子,住德国人,抽Prince香烟,喝咖啡;第5间房子是白色房子,住瑞典人,抽Blue Master,喝啤酒,养狗。