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My hometown is in quanzhou dehua, the weather there and here almost, this summer when the weather was very hot, sooner or later, the temperature difference is big, the .
英汉互译在线翻译Some drained of wheat form a circle around some small circle. Started people thought it was some child's prank, or the farmers would like to use this to attract tourists. So .
在线汉语翻译成英语At present,the number of smokers of our country have over three hundred million.
在线翻译??- TRANSPORT TO THE STORES: 发货到商店: - How large trucks can they drive with to our stores in central Shanghai, and how many pallets can be in each truck. Are .
英语在线翻译这是一次欢迎黎明.这位年轻的僧很深的学习,唱晶体震惊了他.简单的事,他们都是温和的,没有附和或多或少的深厚的学者,比打电话,-Sanctuary Alys 'aril智慧,‖.
中译英在线翻译1The president called on people to make their own contribution to the national interests. 2, Shanghai, this R & D activities had to be abandoned due to thick fog 3, the thief .
汉语翻译英语在线翻译The statue of liberty, the symbol of American introduction of world-famous statue of . has been overturned symbol of tyranny rule.有到翻译的
英译汉,在线翻译这段话的意思是 我们不需要carelabel为那个项目-请送织带更好的质量.在打印出它´s不可能扫描条形码.-innercarton标志旁边有一个确认项目的小玩意儿.请取消作品《GDC”的第一行”.