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翻译下面一段英语 When I was a little girl, I would oWhen I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that finally understood what role modeling played in your life. Little did I known you were saving every penny you . I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, I'll try that.” 答: 当我还是个小女孩时,我就经常陪着你,为你的时尚摄影师.数年之后,终于明白在你的生命中扮演的角色建模.我不知道你是节约你赚去法学院的每一分钱. 非常感谢.
动画 虫师 的片头曲叫什么啊..?? 那个英文歌..The Sore Feet Song(虫师片头曲) 作词:Ally Kerr 编曲、作曲:増田俊郎 歌:Ally Kerr I walked ten shousand miles, ten thousands miles to see you And every gasp of breath, I grabbed it just to find you I climbed up every hill to get to you I wandered ancient lands to hold just you And every single step of the way, I paid Every single night and day I searched for you Through sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you I stole ten shousand pounds, ten .
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在线翻译 不要直译 高手请救我 翻译下面文字Our cleaning company has just started, and now there are 34 live hands. About 4 thousand a month. There are a large supermarket in the negotiation of clean living. If you can talk down, light a supermarket can guarantee income 10 005 a month. This will increase the size of a subsidiary. We plan to recruit more temporary workers will come. Sites in the private sector is to buy a house deposit point. If all goes well, should be married in 2012. Plan to end today, .
用英语翻译下面一段话"Three Kind of Fervor" are elects from "Bertrand · the Russell Autobiography" an outstanding prose. It is not only author mind expressing, is also the life experience summary. The author becomes aware by the profound feeling with the keen vision, has analyzed in the life three kind of fervor, namely to the hope which loves, to knowledge pursue and to human misery sympathy. To hope which loves, causes the human to be wild with joy, both can relieve .