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蜘蛛侠!变相怪杰好看不? 变相怪杰好看吗


请大哥评价一下 蜘蛛侠 蝙蝠侠 绿巨人 超人 变相怪杰

















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《黑超特警1-2》《小鬼当家1-2》《变相怪杰1-2》《神探飞机头1-2》《冒牌天神1-2》《少林足球》《功夫》《大话王》《神枪手与智多星》《放学后的屋顶》《新娘18岁》《双面女友》《美国派系列》《惊声尖笑系列》《圣诞夜惊魂》《彩票也疯狂》《上帝也疯狂》《狗的难题》《美国最后一个处女》《美国处男》《丑女大翻身》《正义前锋》《初恋50次》《谁和她睡了》《女男变错身》 《男女堕落指南》



The success of the film wholly depends on Carrey, as he has to sell his characters' frenzied insanity so that it's believable as a reflection of Stanley's inner self while at the same time likable but teetering on the edge of becoming obnoxiously overbearing. Of course, the amazing special effects and make-up help, as well as the clever script and more than competent directing and cinematography, but with the wrong actor in the part, the whole affair could have easily collapsed. The other cast members are fine in supporting roles, with Cameron Diaz coming across as being almost otherworldly beautiful, but Carrey is rarely off-screen, and rightly so.

The Mask is notable for both spoofing almost the whole history of cinema while at the same time respectfully paying homage to it. The audience is treated to everything from silent film slapstick to lavish musical numbers (with excellent songs), frenzied Tex Avery-styled animation to gangster film suspense. On its surface, the film is a crazy, often funny, hyperactively paced cinematic pastiche.

The subtext about identity and public faces versus private selves is interesting, but not the focus. It would be fine to explore further, but to do so in this particular film would have taken too much time away from Carrey's surrealistic tour de force. Besides, we've had later films where that subtext has been closer to the heart of a story, such as Catwoman (2004), and where it was very thoroughly and competently dealt with.

Many aspects of The Mask differed from the comic book source material, but this is a case where the changes led to such an excellent result that most people have fotten about the source material and primarily remember Carrey's performance in this film as definitive.