为什么美国着急中美气候特使将面对面对话 中美气候特使面对面对话
中美加强各领域对话和合作的原因是?答案b 国家性质是从阶级性上看的,b体现阶级性,b正确.
equal C C example quite times farms 十被平均分成两份 不定时作主语,谓语用单数. 句子做主语谓语用单数. for example 例如. 固定搭配. 古代和现代 old and modern .
英语达人帮忙啦needs takeswentwas , to read turned stood didn't move didset finished、 was paid hope have pleased will call
英语作业求助用法:下列动词作为中心动词在一个完整的原始的句子.使用后,每一个不定式/ obj.. The couple give each their promise,and they will start a new family. permit (teacher and.
英语作业求助Short shorter shortest Much High higher highest Clever cleverer cleverest Bad worse worst Well Popular more popular, most popular easily more easily, most easily I was very worried because I did bad .. I ordered my food she is the third one .. it's difficult for him to learn. I was very worried because I did bad .. I am pleased with what. What size of shoes. base word comparative superlative good better best bad worse worst little less least much (many) more .
英语口语问题都是肯定的回答. yes 是较为正式,最常用的回答. yep 是俚语,意思与yup一样.使用yep、yup更加俏皮一些,适用于网络、通常会话中使用. yeah 是美国人最常用的口语形式.只是在日常交谈中很常用.
英语达人帮忙啦~~Dear headmaster: After doing the reasearch I find these three points.First of all, about 33 percent of the students never copy homework. They think it is necessary to do the homework by themselves and some think it is a reasult of the parents' overseeing. Secondly, about 48 percent of the students copy the homework occasionally. They think the difficulty and the large amounts reasult in the copy. And someone say that it is because of their forgetness. Last of all,.