consistof后面接什么语态? consistedof有被动吗
consist of 有没有被动语态、做定语的时候是用现在分词还.没有.做后置定语,用现在分词. A class consisting of 70 students is a big one. = which consists of
人生哲理:你自信,你成功! 洛克菲勒说:“自信能给你勇气,使你敢于向任何困. 还有,就是传统观念中的一些消极思想影响了他们,什么“出头的椽子先烂”、“不.
关于consist of的用法的问题consist of 由.组成的.相当于be made up of .后面是加组成的成分. 例如:This necklace consists of gold and diamond. 注意,co.
提问consist of 的用法con'sist of sth to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由…组成(或构成) : The committee consists of two members. 委员会由十人组成
consist of有没有作定语时后加ed的时候,那又是什么时候呢.好像没有吧,加ing做定语的情况比较常见
consist of(同义词组)be made up of 区别在于consist of 是主动形式,be made up of是被动语态.
to consist of 和 be consist of 这两个哪个对,to /be有什么区别consist是个不及物动词,所以它没有被动语态,所以be consist of 是错的.而to consist of 是对的,意思是:由.组成. kennethzhou说的不对, 在consist of 前面加to只是用来说明consist是个动词,没有什么别的作用或意思等.你如果上过老外的课就知道了,老外只要讲动词,肯定要在动词的前面加to.
consist of和made up of是一模一样的用法么?be made up of =consist of 由……组成 consist of 由.组成的.相当于be made up of .后面是加组成的成分. 例如:This necklace consists of gold and diamond. 注意,consist 本身是一个不及物动词,不能采用被动语态. be made of/from.都是表示由..制成的. 但是be made of 是可以看得出原料的.例如 The desk is made of wood. 而be made from.是不可以看出原料的.例如 Paper is made from wood.
consist of 与 consists of 的用法主语决定.与后面的没有关系.
consist in,consist of,contain,include区别consist in 存在于 consist of 由.组成 contain 包含(指容器的东西内部包含什么东西) include 包括