高燕梅用泰语怎么写? 泰语在线翻译中文
谁用泰语帮我翻译 你好,我叫冯嘉仪,找我什么事?麻烦写上.你是女生吧? (不是的话再告诉我,说法会不一样) 你好 สวัสดีค่ะ = sawaddi ka ~ [撒 瓦 低 卡] 我叫 ฉันชื่อ = chan chue ~ [蚕 次] (其实泰语不分 ch 和 c, 说 “缠赤” 也可以.泰语的 "ฉ" 和 "ช" 音差不多是 "c" 和 "ch" 的中间) 冯嘉仪 เฝิงเจียอี๋ = Féng Jiāyí (泰语不分 ie 和 ia ,你的名字可能会被读成 “接仪”) 找我什么事 หาฉันมีธุระอะไรคะ = ha chan mi thura arai ka? ~ [蛤 蚕 .
occasionly怎么用另一种形式表达?选b now and again有时 again and again一次又一次 once again一次 over and over again一再,多次 occasionally偶尔
苏轼《红梅》怎么写?红梅 苏轼 怕愁贪睡独开迟,自恐冰容不入时. 故作小红桃杏色,尚馀孤瘦雪霜姿. 寒心未肯随春态,酒晕无端上玉肌. 诗老不知梅格在,更看绿叶与青枝. 苏轼写梅花的诗并不多,但这首《红梅》却堪称一首借物寓人、托物言志的咏梅佳作. 诗前半段,“怕”、“贪”、“恐”、“故作”,等字,将一枝红梅描摹的像人一样生动.红梅也怕愁、也贪睡、也懂入时、也知“故作”.姿态性情,无不毕现.这些都应是人的性情,却都被安在红梅的身.
谁能告诉我丰子恺写的【塘栖】的特色.请用/将短文分成3层,怎么分啊.1段, 塘栖是一个镇,其特色是家家门前建着凉棚,不怕天雨.有一句话,叫做“塘栖镇上落雨,淋勿着”.“淋”与“轮”发音相似,所以凡事轮不着,就说“塘栖镇上落雨”. 2段 且说塘栖的酒店,有一特色,即酒菜种类多而分量少.几十只小盆子罗列着,有荤有素,有干有湿,有甜有咸,随顾客选择.真正吃酒的人,才能赏识这种酒家.若是壮士、莽汉,象樊哙、鲁智深之流,不宜上这种酒家.他们狼吞虎嚼起来,一盆酒菜不够一口.必须是.
根据内容用英语写一篇题为“Top Meal of the Day”A recent syudy shows that nearly 50 percent of the school kids in Beijing do not have breakfast.They tend to feel sleepy all day and have had memories,so it is hard for them to get high marks of tests. Some students who study late into the night choose to miss breakfast so that they can have a few extra minutes in bed.Others are given money to buy their breakfast on the way to school because their parents are too busy to prepare it for them.In addition,a few .
英语作文:a nice weekend 用过去式写We had no classes on Saturday. In the morning, I went to the park with my friends. We flew kites there. We had a good time. Then, I went to eat KFC.In the afternoon, I visited my aunt.My cousin and I played computer games.In the evening, I listened to music and watched TV. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. In the afternoon, I went to see a film. In the evening, I played the piano.I had a nice weekend.
小明来信向小华询问如何学好英语,请用英语写你以小华的名义给他写.Dear Xiaoming, March 8,2009 I have receive your letter,I know you want to learn English well.Maybe I can give some suggestions for you. Firstly,you should listen to the teacher carefully ,take notes during the lecture. secondly,speaking English as much as possible. Thirdly,reading book about English widely and learn more phrases by heart. Lastly,practise writing words.Insist on reading every day in the morning. I wish it can do some help for you. Yours .
日语中的ないで是怎么演变来的?なる←なってきる←なってきます←なってきました 原形——渐进——ます形——过去式 ないでとなくての区别 一、ないで(接续助词) 接续:只能前接动词及同型助动词未然形后. 意义: 1、表示关连性动作的并列性中顿. /不怎么用功,却成了优等生. 5、用ないでも的形式,表示后项内容不需要某个条件仍然成立.例如: 复习しないでもちゃんとできる问题が多い./有许多题即使不复习也能做上. 6、后续补助用言,构成合成谓语.例如: .