培根用英语怎么写 爱默生用英语怎么写
Francis Bacon 培根1561-1626 Francis Bacon was the son of Nicolas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal of Elisabeth I. He entered Trinity College Cambridge at age 12. .
培根说:“习惯是一种顽强而巨大的力量,它可以主宰人生.” 的确,很多看似不凡的人. 韩雪的英语功底并不好,30岁开始才有学英语的意识. 大多数人会认为30岁,学习能力已.
求培根中英文简介Francis Bacon(1561-1626) was the son of Nicolas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the . "Men of sharp wits, shut up in their cells of a few authors, chiefly Aristotle, their Dictator.".
急需 培根 英文介绍!!!francis bacon was born at london. he entered trinity college, cambridge, at the age of twelve. he studied law and became a barrister in 1582; two years later he took a seat in .
培根 英文 名言knowledge is power.知识就是力量.beauty is like a rich stone ,best plain set.美貌就像宝石,不用装饰最好
培根的“OF BEAUTY”怎么翻译成现代英语的啊?而体面的和亲切的议案更比青睐,但尚未再次肯定.这是美的最好的部分,但赦免,个人)的几何(几何学的,如果光线好,美的主要部分是在体面的议案,和罪恶脸红..
关于弗兰西斯 培根的英文介绍Francis Bacon was born at London. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of twelve. He studied law and became a barrister in 1582; two years later he took a .
培根的名言英文Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute . This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and .