感觉的英文 感觉的英文单词
感觉好像的英语短语是什么?feel like,没有其他了吧.我也帮你查了没有.不过你可以问老师嘛,老师是不会拒绝要读书的学生的
How do you feel?你感觉怎么样? what do you think about it?(楼上的注意哦,一般不用OF的,think of 意思为想起)你觉得这个怎么样? How do you like it?是问你觉得.
感觉好多了的英文怎么拼Feeling better
“觉得”的英语过去式?觉得的英文是feel,.它的过去时是felt.I felt cold yesterday.昨天我感觉冷.
感觉的英文怎么写翻译如下:感觉 根据语境feel; sensation; sense perception; perceive; become aware of都可以.常用feel.例句:我突然有种奇异的感觉.Str.
感觉用英语怎么写感觉英语 sense perception; sensation ; feel ; perceive ;sense;become aware of; feeling;sense 例句: 1.你真的有这种感觉? Do you really feel that way? 2.我也有同样的感觉.I feel much the same way. 3.Working with one's head causes a sensation of hunger quite as much as muscular work.脑力劳动与体力劳动引起的饥饿感觉是完全一样的. 4.Strange feelings suddenly came over me.我突然有种奇异的感觉.
觉得英文怎么说(四个单词)feel; think; sense; find
翻译英文{感觉是个什么东西?}What is the feeling?这个是最贴切的..
请问感觉神经的英语怎么说?一楼的错了,应该是sensory nerve
感觉很好的英文翻译是?你好!有以下几种翻译 : Feel cheerful Feel happy Feel pleasant Feel good