写给罗宾一封英文信 回给罗宾的一封信
待翻译内容:写一封信给罗宾 翻译后内容:Write a letter to robin 网络翻译,仅供参考!
Write a letter to Robin 如果我的回答对您有帮助的话,望您采纳谢谢.
我想写一个英语作文可是不知道怎么写题题目是给罗宾的一封信标题:A letter to Robin 正文:Dear Robin,正文:Long time no see, .
按书信格式给Robin写一封信,谈自己喜欢的季节和原因;英语?第一篇:亲爱的爸爸、妈妈:你们好!提起手中重若千斤的笔,怀着矛盾的心情,. 记得在去年的校演讲比赛中我幸运地得了第一名,这给了我一个展示自己的机会,提供.
给robin写一封电子邮件she wants to send an e-mail to robin 她想要给robin发送一封电子邮件
你刚搬到了新家,需要一些帮助.你给你的朋友Robin一封请他帮忙.这篇.Dear Rosa ,I'm going to move to a new house ! Ineed some help . Could you help me clean the room ? Could you make the bed ? Could you move the good chairs to the bedroom and clean the living room ?
给罗宾的一封信,怎么写?船长你好:我是你千千万万个船员中比较不争气的一个.不争气到第一次给你写信,. 我想告诉你,是你和他们共同给了我那么愉快的童年,现在这些童年的往事们,有些.
作文.给Robin写一封信告诉他,你自己喜欢的食物,饮料和课程,并描述他.Dear Robin, I like chocolate,it tastes sweet.I also love drinking orange juice as it is sour. The lesson I like most is English as I want to learn English long time ago.
如果你要给罗斌写一封用英文写的.信你该怎么写?对应的英语:Hello Luo Bing,How are you. Long time not hearing from you since we met last time.Almost everything goes well with me. Let me know how is going on with you.Keep in touch,Your friend xxx.