布依族口语考试的题目 口语考试话题
考对话 考朗读 这类大众型的口语考试不会难的o
la你好 这是"gamble"一词在"wikipedia"中的词条 分别有两个哦 http://en.wikipedia./wiki/gamble (english) http://zh.wikipedia./w/index.php?title=%e8%b5%8c%e5%8d%9a&variant=zh-cn (中文) 东西太多 怕是粘不过来了 请你见谅 ~希望满意啊~
2015贵州英语口语考试口头作文题目我们刚考完!哈哈..别紧张..一般都能过的..但是是分组的每一组得到的题目都不一样的,我的是paper6..就是讲一个作家的事儿..叫james好像..还有他一天的生活..他就先让读课文..读两句就行..她会叫你停下来..问了几个问题:what's james?答writer;在哪工作好像是..答:Newyork;几点到..这个忘了..最后一个问题是是否按时到了..最后一个环节是口头作文..我抽到的是:你想去哪旅行..也是说两三句就成~ 看你能不能正好碰上跟我一样的啦,哈哈~ 加油啊~
口语考试题目what do you think about the computer and the internet as sources.I think that computer and internet is vert important . Because computer can help peoples to do anythingwe can study by computer,shopping by computer.
关于口语考试题目班得瑞的最好还是不要了 因为写起来比较难写 没有名人不好找话题推荐一个 . having released a number of albums and sung many of the theme songs for the films in which .
2015贵州高考英语口语考试口头作文题目是什么? - ?口头作文是整个口语考试的第三部分.分三个步骤:1.播放一段约为60秒的没有声音的录影,间或有字幕出现,引导你作文的大致方向.2.60秒的准备时间.没有人会傻到打草稿.3.重放录影,开始录音.一边看画面你一边说出自己的作文.至于评分标准,大概没多少人知道.我认识的人中没有拿B的,我整间学校B的大概几十个,A的几个.十分难拿B.一般是C.
英语口语考试的题目是:do you think you would be a good surgeon?why or why n.yes,i will. first i love this job. so i love all my patients, i'll treat them as my family. Second, I'm confident about my professional knowledge and my ability.
是关于英语口语考试的题目,对话.1. A: What is important in learning English?B: I think you should be interested in learning English.A: It's easier said than done. Can you give me some suggestions.B: Sure, .
这是口语考试的题目,请大家帮忙1.yes, universities are one of the few proves whether you are a capable person or not, it impresses the interviewers.2.no we cant, it is a way we get to know products. i know it .