你真的很有眼光,英文翻译是什么? 英文在线发音器
帮我翻译下英文,顺便说下一直爱着你用英语怎么说?我将永远爱着你.(个人认为后面的in the world其实不用翻) 从现在起,直到永远!一直爱着你:Love you forever.
I'm sorry, I just went to dinner. Did not look at the phone so did not return to you. So far to you really have a lot of love. Did you eat?
你还是有眼光呀!我是真的配不上你是什么意思意思说你 很聪明.很有不一样的眼光 很会挑“衣服”这“衣服”也确实很好!但是觉得这个衣服确实配不上你的气质.你在看看别的吧!
有你真好,英文怎么写I feel happiness because of you!It's very kind of you.“有你真好”的几个英文意思表示 希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
生化危机4里的商人说英语是什么意思`麻烦达人们给翻译下以下是按照汉语习惯翻译的.(原文中的Stranger意思应为陌生人,我用“老兄”来翻译是因为更接近于中国人说话的习惯.) 进入商店: Got some rare/good things on sale stranger! [来看看有什么稀罕物儿吧,老兄!] 购买/出售: Is that all,Stranger? [就这些吗,老兄?] 购买/出售完毕: He he he……thank you. [嘿嘿嘿……谢谢.] 出售高价物品(如红宝石) Ah……I'll buy it at a high price. [啊……这东西我会出个好价钱收购的.] 余额不足: No .
有你真好英文怎么说It's nice that you're here 你在这里真好 It's so nice that you're with me 有你陪我真好 没辙了 -o-
YouAreMgWhoAlsoRobDontWalk翻译中文是什么这是我个人很喜欢的一首歌,所以自己尝试翻译了一下.有不足之处请多多包涵~~ Don't Love You No More 歌手:Craig David 专辑:The Story Goes Craig David - Don't Love You No More (I'm Sorry) Album: The Story Goes For all the years that I've known you baby I can't figure out the reason why lately You've been acting so cold (Didn't you say) If there's a problem we should work it out So why you giving me the cold shoulder now Like you don.
请真正的英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话!一些沉默 一场汹涌 一息悸动 一眼渴望 somewhat silenct / somewhy turbulent /somehow palpitant / someone was needed 一次多巴鞍的上升 一阵目眩的刺痛 a rising of dopamine /a burst of dizzy smart 一味隐藏的心 一如既往贪婪的旋律 a sense of pity / an usual rytheme of greedy/an usual grasping melody 一切让你歇斯底里的音符. Every hysterical musical note 如果你有爱 如果你爱音乐 As long as you still have the willingly heart, and keen on the music 留.
"不要在乎别人的眼光" 英语翻译Don't mind about what other people think of you.