如何给英语短文加题目呢? 英语短文改错题目
英语作文题目怎么起经过多年的教学实践,在英语写作方面我总结如下几点浅见: 一、增加词汇 英语写作要求有一定量的词汇,没有词汇就好比巧妇无米难以下厨.写作时可能出现要写的词记不起来、要用的词拿不准、尤其是遇到同义词、更.
1.the status of women writer / novelist 2.the status of wife
英语短文短一点,中文加题目,谢谢!My college life 我的大学生活 I am proud of being a college student. I like my college . too. After then, I've felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village.
小学五年级英语小短文加题目A Monkey and a Tiger . Today I am very happy to stand here, telling you a story:A . He does not want to look for food . He often tells other animals to bring him something to .
求一篇以怎样学习英语为题的短篇英语作文要勤学苦练.学英语没有捷径可走,要真正掌握英语,达到运用自如的程度,非下苦功夫不可.下苦功夫就是要进行大量的听、说、读、写训练,使各项技能达到纯熟的地步.语言知识应该了解,但不下苦功在听、说、读、写上练习,仅靠死记硬背一些孤立的单词、一些语法条条,是很难掌握英语这一交际工具的.应该是Learning English而不是Learning about English.就像学游泳、跳芭蕾舞一样,对其理论掌握再好,不通过反复训练是永远也学不.
英语短文题目<p _extended="true"><strong _extended="true">what is weather (like )in china?spring is cold (in )the north(of)china.It usually comes (after ) February.summer is often very hot.The hottest months are July and August, Autumn begins (from ) August .The weather can be very warm (in )autumn.Winter begins ( from )November.January is the coldest month. The best time to comes ( to )China is ( in )spring or autumn.How ( is )the weather in England?
英语短文,题目自拟You are a high school student or middle? There''re some words you should have not saw before. Check them out from your own dictionary. . When I was a child, I hate almost every sort of animals. The dogs snarled at me terribly, the cat stared at me with bleak eyes etc. Until the day I read a article about a dog's saving a child. I was shocked! I can't even believe an inhuman animal could save one's life! Even though it might be an accident. From then on, I .