过来看一看的英语 过来看一看英文翻译
过来看一看的英文Come take a look.
my books are ( on the shelf).my bag is ( under the desk).my beautiful pencil-case is ( in the desk).and my big eraser is ( behind the door).miss panda can:climb treecan make .
过来看一下用英语怎么说?Come on!Can I help you?If possible you might take a close look at the Lenovo computers.I think one of them will just fit you very much!Come on!Just try it please!
请过来看一看我的裙子.翻译成英语please come and have a look at my skirt(短裙).
看一看英语怎么说take a look
看一看的英文单词看一看 have a look 有疑问请追问
请大家来我的家看一看,瞧一瞧 用英语怎么说You guys can step by anytime.嗯.没有中文这么复杂啦,一般邀请别人做客就可以这么说
希望你也能来这里看一看英语说I hope you can also come here and visit. "看一看"翻译成visit,的代表看一看转一转的意思.
看一看……英语(在看一看后面加……)Take the quick tour! 走马观花看一看! Let me take a look. 让我看一看.
看一看瞧一瞧用英语怎么说?看一看,瞧一瞧 1.have a look 2.take a look绝对正确 希望采纳 谢谢