急...这对白怎么翻译! 对白英文翻译
料理鼠王英语对白的翻译,急哈~Gusteau: 那看起来我确实是这样做了. 是的,就在这里! 我把你带到了这里! Remy: 我看到了. Voiceover1: 把这个给七桌的客人. Collette Tatou: 快点. Voi.
"To the audience's perspective, the third percussionist living center stage, first stage, the left front percussionist living in Figure." "The first percussion instrument .
《小鬼当家》2中英文对白Harry: Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that? 哈利:我们到了,马福.纽约,充满机遇的城市.闻到了么? Marv: (sniffs)Yeah. 马福:(闻.
对话翻译~~~急Girt: Where are you going ,Larry? 你要去哪,larry?Larry: To Tom's party. 去tom的聚. 那如果别人都穿牛仔裤和衬衫怎么办?Girt: Oh ,you shouldn't worry about what other .
《急》各位英语高手来帮忙翻译一下!!!1i had met some careful teachers before. 2 they have an influence on me to become careful when doing work. 3 i think teachers can change his students' careers. 希望对你有.
请帮我把下面这一句话翻译成英语《急》《急》!I wish the Beijing Olympics organizing success
这段话用英语怎么翻译.急急急Hǎinán dǎo shì zhōngguó de yī kē míngzhū, tā wèiyú zhōngguó de nánbù, miànjī 35000 duō píngfāng gōnglǐ, shì zhōngguó de dì èr dà dǎo. Tā shǔyú rèdài qìhòu, quán nián píngjūn qìwēn zài 23 °dào 39 °, nàlǐ zhíwù zhǒnglèi fánduō bìng zhōngnián cháng lǜ, sēnlín fùgài lǜ dá 51%. Érqiě nàlǐ jǐngsè yōuměi, kōngqì xīnxiān, shì zhùmíng de lǚyóu shèngdì. 希望采纳 谢谢 刚没注意 是中午翻译的 不好意思 Hainan Island is a pearl, which is located south of .
请问这几句话用日问怎么翻译啊?急啊未来の见えないこんな爱情は お互いに放置する日がくるだろう しかし、大人の私たちはお互いに理解するべきです. 実は、心の准备もう出来てます 成り行きを待つ... 平假名及读法: みらいのみえないこんなあいはじょうは おたがいにほうちするひがくるだろう しかし、おとなのわたしたちはおたがいにりかいするべきです じつは、こころのじゅんびもうできてます なりゆきをまつ...
急,,,帮忙翻译一下这段话,译成英语Jane is according to the 19th century British writer charlotte's outstanding rebelliousness novel of the same name of change of movies. The film profoundly exposed to social reality, the fate of the people had deep sympathy, is a reflection of the oppressed women at life situation and mental outlook of the film. In this dialogue with tests like some more in the sitting room in the most wonderful dialogue. Like some more from poor families, there is no harm in social .
急!把这几句话翻译成英语He wears school clothes every day,he is putting on school clothes They are having dinner in the restaurant When and Where are you going to drink tea? I am listening but I can hear nothing She is telling us about her family history