关于卖手机的英语对话 卖手机的三分钟英文对话
"This is the latest mobile phone models, built-in 1G memory, large screens, features . You can go to the market to look into my price is absolutely reasonable. May be on the .
请问有什么需要帮忙的吗?A:Can I help you, please?我想买部手机.B:I want to buy a mobile phone.你想买哪部手机,可以在这里看一下.A:Which mobile phone do you .
设计一段卖3G手机的英语小对话A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I want to buy a mobile phone. A: How about this one? It's belong to the 3rd Generation Telecommunication. B: OK. I will take it.
求关于手机销售的中英文对白,或书籍(可追加50分以上)首先要熟悉术语啊,可以到下7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333236393732面的网. 把日常的对话练好,再把术语容入到当中去.<br><br>给你举个例子<br><br>The .
推销手机的英语短文如果是书面用,简单就好.如下 This is the newest type of Nokia. You can see that it . 先非常有礼貌的和他打个招呼,速度要快,你要在短时间内先说出自己手机的优势. .
关于手机的英语口语对话A:Hey,Marco. I lost my cell phone again. Marco.我又把手机丢了 B:[Surprised]What?But you just lost one last week. [惊奇地]什么?可你上周才丢一部啊. A:I know .That.
急需一段买手机的英语口语对话,不知有哪位朋友愿前来帮忙?如果能够.A: Hello sir, may I help you? B: Yeah, I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. A: . mp3 player and touch screen. It works on the 3G network so you have fast access to the.
请用英语推销一部手机!推销手机 sell mobile phone 双语对照 双语例句 1 只见小明立刻换了一张可怜巴巴的脸,抱住男人的大腿,哭道:“大哥啊,我也是为了生活才来推销手机的啊. ming immediately put up a poor face and hugged the man ' s legs, crying to him,“ oh, my dear friend! i am selling phones to make a living.
写一篇关于 telephone shop 的英语对话;要求要15 - 20句左右的.telephone is invented by bell ,and it's a fast ,easy way of communication. letter is invented by somebody i don't know ,maybe thousands years ago.it's fucking slow and sometimes would get lost on the way.don't use it ,i warn you!